Photo gallery
At RekupeX, we help you solve your specific air exchange and recuperation requirements every day. We are able to provide you with a tailor-made solution. To give you a better idea of our products, you will find a selection of photos of our projects below.
RECUBOX OPEN RX-P 04/300 - integrated by-pass (HRV core) | RECUBOX OPEN RX 04/300 - integrated by-pass (heat recovery fan) | RECUBOX OPEN RX 04/400 - ionizer | RECUBOX OPEN RX 04/400 - ionizer |  RECUBOX OPEN RX 05/800 (completely chemically resistant heat recovery unit) |  RECUBOX OPEN RX 11/200 |
 RECUBOX OPEN RX 11/200 |  RECUBOX OPEN RX 11/200 |  AUTOMATIC BYPASS | FAN DISTRIBUTION | tn-default"> Chemically resistant junction box | RECUBOX OPEN RSX-P 06/300 |
RECUBOX OPEN RSX-P 06/300 | RECUBOX OPEN RX-P 02/430 |  RECUBOX OPEN RX 07/600 automatic BY-PASS |  RECUBOX OPEN RX 07/600 automatic BY-PASS |  Control unit |  Control unit |
 Detail of the exchanger seal and inserted filters |  SHORT PART | 
ZIEHL-ABEGG EC duct fan | Air ionizer |  RECUBOX OPEN RX-P 02/430 A01 insulation 30 mm EPS - two shells | 4-300%20B02.jpg" target="_blank" class="btn btn-default"> RECUBOX RX-P 04/300 B02 |
 RECUBOX OPEN RX 04/300 m3/h. |  PIPE EC FAN BLAUBERG EC-1020 m3/h. |  RECUBOX RX 06/400 inspection door |  RECUBOX RX 06/150 inspection door |  Duct EC fan Blauberg EC-4040 m3/h |  Grease filter for ventilation duct |
 Development |  Fitted EC fan | 
Detail of the RECUBOX® neck |  RECUBOX® OPEN RX 11/880 - 5100 m3/h | erflow heat recovery core" width="199" height="133" /> Detail of sealing of large heat exchangers |  Heat recovery unit RekupeX RSX-P 06/400 with EC fans |